Coping With Warm Weather Rashes
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Coping With Warm Weather Rashes

Rashes refer to noticeable changes in the appearance, colour, or texture of the skin. At warmer times of the year, it is quite common to experience rashes that are caused by overheating, sweating, insect bites, and allergies.

Rashes caused by allergies

In spring and summer, pollen, a leading cause of allergies, is far more prevalent. Exposure to other allergens such as mould, grasses, and plants can lead to allergic skin reactions such as hives. Eczema sufferers may also find that their symptoms are more severe in summer due to sweat irritating their eczema rash.

Bites and stings

We are also prone to getting more bites and stings from insects in hotter months, which can be painful and cause the skin to become red, itchy, and swollen in the areas the bites occur. Allergic reactions can occur with these bites, leading to more widespread rashes and swelling covering the entire body. To avoid being bitten, wear a good quality insect repellent on exposed areas of skin. Children and toddlers have more sensitive skin, so use an appropriate insect repellent on them as well.

Taking an oral antihistamine may provide relief from itchy allergic skin rashes, such as hives or from stings. Topical creams containing hydrocortisone may also be used to settle rashes on unbroken skin. Spend time in cool, ventilated places as heat and humidity will exacerbate rash symptoms. If the rash continues to persist or worsen despite trying these commonly recommended therapies, please consult your doctor.


Warm weather brings fungal rashes

Fungal skin rashes are also widespread during the warmer months, as they thrive in warm, moist conditions. The rash often causes the skin to redden, as well as becoming flaky and cracked. Fungal rashes often flare up on areas such as the feet and between the toes, around the groin, and in skin folds, as these areas tend to get quite warm and sweaty, providing the right conditions for fungus to thrive.

Take care to dry these areas thoroughly, and wear light, loose-fitting and breathable fabrics. Treat the affected areas with antifungal creams containing clotrimazole or terbinafine.

For these types of rashes, if there is no improvement within seven days, consult your healthcare professional. Of course, if you are concerned that your rash is unusual or spreading rapidly, consult your doctor without delay.

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